Smashing Borders, Boosting Trade; Unlocking Africa’s $50 Billion Payments Powerhouse

Man & Woman excited about CPayant's Africa payments

Africa is on the rise. A burgeoning middle class, rising disposable incomes, and a tech-savvy population are fueling economic activity across the continent. This translates to a surge in intra-African trade, expected to reach a staggering $50 billion by 2025 according to the World Bank. But to unlock this potential, efficient cross-border payment solutions are […]

Why Africa-to-Africa Money Transfers Matter

Intra-Africa Money transfer

In recent years, there has been a surge in migration from the African continent to other continents, like Europe and North America. This trend has fueled the establishment of a number of money transfer services on the demand for cross-border transactions. Highlighting their success in facilitating international payment for Africans living abroad, majority of them […]